
Our photo library offers direct access to over 90,000 reproductions.

Upon request, the photo library can research and offer reproductions of collection items. For a fee, you can use the photos privately, scientifically or commercially. The calculation is based on the price recommendations of the German Association of Medium-Sized Enterprises Photo Marketing.

Currently, the photo library has about

  1. 16,000 prints
  2. 18,000 negatives
  3. 3,000 Ektachromes
  4. 45,000 digital reproductions

with illustrations of objects from the collections of the Stadtmuseum Berlin.

The photo library is in transition from an analog image archive to a digital photo library. This also involves a change from the conventional management of analog image carriers to the electronic management of digital reproductions. The web-based documentation system DAPHNE is used for this purpose. It can also be used to access and manage the historically grown stocks of analog image carriers.

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