History connects us. Exhibitions Program Our Museums Current Exhibitions Special ExhibitionDekoloniale – what remains?! Decentralised exhibition at Various Locations in Berlin-Mitte Museum Nikolaikirche Permanent ExhibitionBerlinZEIT From 1 December, the Stadtmuseum Berlin will be presenting its newly revised permanent exhibition on Berlin’s history at the Museum Ephraim-Palais. Museum Ephraim-Palais Special ExhibitionBerlin im Blick More than 70 photographs from our photo call “Berlin jetzt!” (“Berlin now!”) show the city from very different, personal perspectives. Museum Ephraim-Palais Permanent ExhibitionBERLIN GLOBAL Yesterday, today, tomorrow: much of what happens in Berlin has an impact on the world. And much of what happens in the world affects Berlin. BERLIN GLOBAL shows on 4,000 square meters in the Humboldt Forum how the city and its people are connected to the world. Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum Special ExhibitionLiberty, Equality, Solidarność. Polish Viewpoints in Berlin The Open Space “Liberty, Equality, Solidarność” in the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition looks at Berlin as a site of Polish struggles for freedom and against discrimination, as well as a place of dialogue and solidarity. Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum Permanent ExhibitionLife in the Middle Ages Watch, participate, understand history Museumsdorf Düppel Special ExhibitionHere and Now. Women⁺ Experiencing Homelessness in Berlin Poverty is an omnipresent reality in Berlin. Homeless women+ often go unseen or are deliberately overlooked. Some use camouflage for self-protection. The association querstadtein e.V. has dedicated an Open Space at BERLIN GLOBAL to the perspectives and experiences of (formerly) homeless women+. BERLIN GLOBAL Special ExhibitionWe’re staying! Gentrification and resistance in Berlin Open Space | Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum BERLIN GLOBAL Permanent ExhibitionEveryday Life in Biedermeier Berlin Humboldt, Schinkel and the Knoblauch family Museum Knoblauchhaus Permanent ExhibitionBerlin’s Middle Eight hundred years of history and culture Museum Nikolaikirche Special ExhibitionLoot. 10 Stories Starting in spring 2024, the Humboldt Forum will present a temporary exhibition “Loot. 10 Stories”. Through ten case studies, visitors will be immersed in the complex topic of looted art over three different periods: the colonial era, the Napoleonic conquests in the 18th century and the so-called “Third Reich” between 1933 and 1945. Also on display are items on loan from the Stadtmuseum Berlin. Programme Dekoloniale, Guided Tour “Paths of Remembrance”. A tour of the Afrikanisches Viertel with Mnyaka Sururu Mboro The Tanzanian activist Mnyaka Sururu Mboro leads a tour through the Afrikanisches Viertel [African Quarter] in Berlin-Wedding as part of the decentralized exhibition project “Dekoloniale – what remains?!”. Guided Tour BERLIN GLOBAL in 60 minutes (in English) In 60 minutes, you can turn the “Wheel of History”, dance inside a giant disco ball or discover local history through telescopes in the windows of the Humboldt Forum. The tour opens up a dialogue with visitors through an interactive experience of global dynamics in historical and contemporary Berlin. Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum Dekoloniale, Special Programme Ukraine, Music, Theatre, Film “Dekoloniale – what remains?!”: Nikolai-Music on Friday The organ concert series includes concerts as part of “Dekoloniale – what remains?!” Curator and organist: Jack Day. Museum Nikolaikirche Event calendar Berlin stories The Berlinale in pictures Stars, stars, stars: A photographic journey of discovery through the first decades of the Berlin Film Festival with pictures from the collection of the Stadtmuseum Berlin.Short-Story, 1 min Lesezeit Mahjub bin Adam Mohamed Hussein In the room “War” at BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition in the Humboldt Forum, photos, letters and films tell the story of Mahjub bin Adam Mohamed Hussein (1904 – 1944) an actor and former German Askari soldier.Article, 3 min Lesezeit Life and Survival In the Open Space project “Here and Now. Women⁺ Experiencing Homelessness in Berlin,” Anna, Janet, Janita-Marja, Richi, and Susanne talk about housing and homelessness. They represent many homeless women⁺ and discuss social boundaries, dignity, self-determination, and the reasons for their homelessness.Article, 4 min Lesezeit Heinrich Zille Heinrich Zille, also known in Berlin as “Pinselheinrich”, remains one of the city’s most well-known and most popular artists. And yet, he was not born into a career in art: it was only following his dismissal as a lithographer from the Photographische Gesellschaft which provided him with the impetus to devote himself entirely to his craft. Article, 8 min Lesezeit 1884/85 – 1994: 110 Years of Anticolonial Resistance | The Struggle: South Africans in Exile in Berlin The Open Space presentation “1884/85 – 1994: 110 Years of Anticolonial Resistance | The Struggle: South Africans in Exile in Berlin” at the Museum Ephraim-Palais highlights Africa’s last anticolonial liberation movement.Article, 5 min Lesezeit Punk in the Church. East Berlin 1979-89 An exhibition area in the ‘Freiraum’ room at BERLIN GLOBAL gives a voice to the punk scene in the former GDR.Article, 6 min Lesezeit Magnus Hirschfeld Doctor and sex researcher Magnus Hirschfeld (1868 – 1935) is today regarded as a pioneer of the sexual minority emancipation movement.Article, 8 min Lesezeit In My View: Rasha | Museum Ephraim-Palais Living since 2016 in Berlin, Rasha’s interest is to look at what shapes cities and how they grow. She is currently working in community and neighbourhood outreach and provides guided tours on the topic of migration in Berlin.Video Object of the Month New at the Museum Ephraim-Palais: Monthly changing objects from our collections invite you to take a look for free.Article, 1 min Lesezeit From Curious to Worth Knowing Discover city stories online: Our Berlin stories give you comprehensive insights into Berlin’s past and present! Discover now!