About us

The Stadtmuseum Berlin brings together the past, present and future, with a focus on people and their stories.
Three of our museums are located in the Nikolai Quarter, one of Berlin’s oldest neighbourhoods.
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Photo: Fiona Hirschmann

With our collections, exhibitions and programs, we offer unique approaches to past and current developments in the city.

Together with the diverse urban community, we develop new perspectives and promote polyphonic narratives.

We are firmly committed to democracy and diversity and condemn all forms of discrimination, marginalisation and right-wing extremism.

In doing so, we contribute to a respectful and appreciative coexistence in a diverse, open and visionary Berlin.

One of Germany’s largest museums of cultural history, we tell the story of Berlin from its prehistory and early history to the present day.

Spread across six exhibition sites and a central depot, our unique collection comprises several million objects. With the opening of the Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace, we have added the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition to our list of locations. This site for discovery, communication and participation focuses on Berlin’s connections with the lager world.

Einblick in die restauratorische Arbeit am Museum gibt es an den Museumssonntagen.
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Foto: Michael Setzpfandt
The Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin, Landesmuseum für Kultur und Geschichte Berlin, is a foundation under public law based in Berlin. It is also supported in its work by the commitment and donations of a variety of individuals and institutions.

The Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin is a non-profit organisation dedicated to collecting, conserving, maintaining and researching works of art and other cultural assets related to Berlin’s culture and history, and making them accessible to the public in permanent collections and temporary exhibitions, as well as for purposes of scholarship and general education.

Inclusive language at the Stadtmuseum Berlin

To live up to its public mission and role in serving the community, the Stadtmuseum Berlin is committed to using inclusive language, both visually and verbally.