Favourite objects at BERLIN GLOBAL

In the series "Favourite Object" we present objects from the exhibition BERLIN GLOBAL. They were selected by the many people who were involved behind the scenes in the creation of the exhibition.

The door of the techno-club “Tresor”

Between the rooms "Free Space" and "Boundaries" at BERLIN GLOBAL stands a very special door: the steel door of the legendary club "Tresor" at Leipziger Straße 126a. In the series "Favourite Object" we present it.

Funeral of Affordable Rents

In the room "Free Space" at BERLIN GLOBAL stands the "Funeral of Affordable Rents" by the artist collective Rocco and his brothers. In 2016, the artists installed the work on a street corner in Kreuzberg to draw attention to the exploding rents. In the series "Favourite Object" we present the object restored for the exhibition.

Meeting in a coffee cup: Menorah. Crescent. Cross.

In the room "Free Space" at BERLIN GLOBAL there is an area dedicated to the theme of faith. There is a cross-religious sculpture - originally intended as an alternative to the cross on the dome of the Humboldt Forum. In the series "Favourite Object" we present the sculpture.

The Rebirth of Osiris

The mural "The Rebirth of Osiris" by the Egyptian artist Hanaa El Degham can be seen in the room "Revolution". We present it in the series "Favourite Object".

The rolling cartographer

In the WELTSTUDIO, the space for participation at BERLIN GLOBAL, there is the rolling cartographer. Guests can design individual maps here. In the series "Favourite Object" we introduce the cartographer.

The boombox from The City Rockers

In the room "Entertainment" at BERLIN GLOBAL is a boombox by former TCR member José Alvarez. The City Rockers (TCR) were known as a break-dance group in Berlin in the 1980s. In the series "Favourite Object" we present the ghetto blaster.

Sharmin’s Note

A photo of "Sharmin's Note" hangs in the room "War" at BERLIN GLOBAL. The object is part of an interview project on the topic of flight. We present it in the series "Favourite Object".