Dar Seaside, 3.12.1967
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Archiv Rolf Goetze

Tell us about your personal contribution to climate action!

Climate change and its consequences affect us all. Protests and news reports provide constant reminders of the personal decisions we must make on a daily basis to safeguard our future. How and where does climate change and the surrounding debate affect you most?

Here’s your chance to have your say! What are you willing to give up to help combat climate change? What would you never give up? Which restrictions annoy you? Are there sacrifices that you’re afraid to make? What are the things in your life that you can’t imagine living without? And where does climate change affect you personally the most?

Your turn!

Submit your story, either as a photo, video or audio clip. Submissions will be collected by the Stadtmuseum Berlin as part of the EU project creative4democracy and, if selected, could be shown anonymously in a project in 2024.

About the project

Creative4democracy – Creative for Democracy. This is the title of the tri-national project funded by the European Commission in which three European cultural institutions from Italy, the Netherlands and Germany will be working together in 2023-24.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Creative Europe program under grant agreement No. 101100296.