Ines Hahn

Reconstruction, post-war era and present day

The AVUS, part 2

Start and “glory” days

The AVUS, part 1


24th September 2021 marked the one hundredth anniversary of the opening of the “Automobil-Verkehrs- und Übungsstraße” (AVUS) [Automobile traffic and training road]. Races at the AVUS were one of Berlin’s most popular sporting events and at their peak drew in over 300,000 people.

Heinrich Zille

Heinrich Zille, also known in Berlin as “Pinselheinrich”, remains one of the city’s most well-known and most popular artists. And yet, he was not born into a career in art: it was only following his dismissal as a lithographer from the Photographische Gesellschaft which provided him with the impetus to devote himself entirely to his craft.