
Rediscover the museum

Die [Probe]Räume link the historic city with the present.
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Photo: Sandra Weller

What exactly is a museum? Who decides which objects are shown there? What do the exhibits tell us? And how does a museum relate to me? The [Probe]Räume ([Test]Spaces) were set up to explore these questions.

Märkisches Museum
Am Köllnischen Park 5
10179 Berlin

The [Probe]räume could be visited until 31 December 2022. The project ended with the closure of the Märkisches Museum due to construction..

We’ve chosen two themes for this purpose: Berlin in the Middle Ages and daily life and childhood in Berlin around 1900. The [Probe]Räume are intended for all museum visitors, from families and school groups to individuals. There is plenty of space to create and experiment, as well as room to relax and soak up the atmosphere.

Those who want to can create their own miniature exhibition which will then be displayed in the Museum. Personal items from Berlin are also welcome. For a limited time, these individual stories will be included in the [Probe]Räume and will therefore form part of the exhibition at the Märkisches Museum.  This allows visitors of all ages to learn about the consideration and work that goes into a museum in a highly individualised way.
A wide variety of objects are used to create their own exhibition in miniature format.
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Photo: Michael Setzpfandt

Aus meiner Sicht: Ali | Märkisches Museum

Ali Panahi führt durch die [Probe]Räume im Märkischen Museum. Im Bundesfreiwilligendienst hat er selbst schon dort gearbeitet. Die ausgestellten Schreibutensilien erinnern ihn an seine Kindheit in Afghanistan, zudem sind sie eng mit seiner Arbeit als Kalligraph verknüpft. Die Kunst der Handschrift wird, so befürchtet Ali, wegen der elektronischen Kommunikation stetig an Bedeutung verlieren.

Space for projects

How do Berliners see the city they live in? What untold Berlin stories do they have to share and what objects would they like to exhibit in the museum? What can Stadtmuseum Berlin learn from the people who live in this city? The residents of a typical Berlin apartment building in the Prenzlauer Berg district have set out to answer these questions with the project “Märkisches Museum meets Rykestraße 17” at the [Probe]Räume. 

Märkisches Museum meets Rykestraße 17

As part of their cooperation with the Märkisches Museum, residents of an apartment building in the Berlin district of Prenzlauer Berg used personal items to create small exhibition boxes.

© Stadtmuseum Berlin
Die [Werk]Räume laden dazu ein, die Planungen für das „Stadtmuseum der Zukunft“ kennenzulernen und Ideen mitzuentwickeln.
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Foto: Michael Setzpfandt


What does the City Museum of the future look like? The [Werk]Räume ([Work]Spaces) will show you how “Berlin’s memory” continues to evolve and how you can play an active role in the process.

Info & Service

Opening Hours

After completion


Museums- und Kreativquartier
Am Köllnischen Park
10179 Berlin


+49 30 24 002-162
Mo – Fri | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
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Free admission