Förderkreis Museum Knoblauchhaus

The association supports the Knoblauchhaus Museum with donations, gifts and loans. It was founded in 1992 by Paul Knoblauch, a direct descendant of the Berlin Knoblauch family.
Das Knoblauchhaus
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Foto: Michael Setzpfandt

For the Förderkreis Knoblauchhaus, the following points are at the forefront of its commitment:

  • Preservation of the Knoblauchhaus, one of the few originally preserved Berlin town houses of the 18th century
  • Providing insights into life in Berlin during the Biedermeier period
  • Presentation of the social life of the Berlin bourgeoisie in the 18th and 19th century
  • Presentation of the Berlin Knoblauch family, which produced merchants, architects, local politicians and scientists
  • Creating public awareness of the importance of the Berlin bourgeoisie in the 18th century

If you are interested in this historical dimension of the Berlin bourgeoisie, support the Förderkreis Museum Knoblauchhaus as a member!


Poststr. 23
10178 Berlin – Mitte

in german

1st chairman
Jan Dunzendorfer
10405 Berlin
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2. chairperson
Elisabeth Waack 
22149 Hamburg 
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