In My View: Camilla | BERLIN GLOBAL

01:23 Minuten

In the film “Entertain Berlin”, Black filmmaker Jermain Raffington speaks with other Black Germans about the past, present and future of identity and racism in Germany. The film can be found in the “Entertainment” room of BERLIN GLOBAL.

Berlin-based actress, dancer and performance artist Camilla Vengo Kinzonzi discusses these issues in the video. She is particularly excited to see television presenter Aminata Belli in the film. Belli actively campaigns against discrimination and is committed to anti-racism and tolerance, both online and offline. Inspired by the film sequences, Camilla asks which people, topics and places are generally rendered visible in museums and how BERLIN GLOBAL addresses forms of marginalisation, i.e. individuals and population groups being pushed to the fringes of society. Examples of Camilla’s artistic work can be viewed online, including on her Instagram page . Filmmaker Jermain Raffington has made additional films for BERLIN GLOBAL, including SORRY FOR SOMETHING? Berlin’s Colonial Heritage and Representation Matters: Racism in the Entertainment Industry, which can be viewed online.


In our series “BERLIN GLOBAL: In my View” we present personal perspectives on the Berlin exhibition at the Humboldt Forum.