In My View: Dorota | BERLIN GLOBAL

01:22 Minuten

The “Boundaries” room of the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition makes boundaries literally visible. An illuminated map on the floor shows Berlin’s roads and waterways. Tall glass cases containing remarkable historical objects stand on the map, indicating the boundaries that surrounded, divided and were determined in Berlin in the past. The map is also surrounded by media stations in the form of surveying equipment. For Polish Berliner Dorota Kott, the room has a special significance.

In this video, the geographer, urban planner and founder of the socio-cultural project agency kollek-tief explores the city’s various boundaries. For her, these include more than simple geographical dividing lines. Individual limitations and historical aspects can also give rise to boundaries. Dorota was also involved in the conception of the “Interconnection” room of the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition. Three of her objects can be found there: a honey jar, a box of postcards and a warning sign. You can listen to the stories about them in the exhibition. Examples of Dorota’s work and current projects can be found on Instagram.


In our series “BERLIN GLOBAL: In my View” we present personal perspectives on the Berlin exhibition at the Humboldt Forum.