Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum

Berlin connected with the world
BERLIN GLOBAL can be a concert: At the annual Kultursommerfestival, we invite musicians and stand-up comedians to the courtyard of the Humboldt Forum – and have a good time together with our audience.
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Photo: Alexander Rentsch
BERLIN GLOBAL can do art: together with Lebenshilfe Berlin and numerous visitors, we make the courtyard of the Humboldt Forum colourful at the annual screen printing workshop.
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Photo: Michael Setzpfandt

Located on the first floor of the Humboldt Forum in the reconstructed Berlin Palace, the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition offers a unique interactive experience exploring Berlin’s relationships with the rest of the world.

Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum
10178 Berlin

Opening Hours
Mon + Wed – Sun | 10.30 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Tue | closed

Last admission is at 5.15 p.m.

Special Opening/Closing Times
see Info & Service

7 euros / 0 euro (reduced)
Get your time slot tickets now!

In the Humboldt Forum, the Stadtmuseum Berlin, the Museum of Ethnology and the Museum of Asian Art of the National Museums in Berlin, the Humboldt University and the Humboldt Forum Foundation present their themes and programmes under one roof. On the initiative of the State of Berlin, the Stadtmuseum Berlin will occupy part of the first floor of the Humboldt Forum with BERLIN GLOBAL, the Berlin exhibition.

Click here for the exhibition!


Originally, the Berlin Central and State Library was intended for this area. In 2015, Berlin’s Governing Mayor Michael Müller decided to set up an exhibition on the history of the city of Berlin in the newly built Berlin Palace.

In close cooperation between the Stadtmuseum Berlin and Kulturprojekte Berlin, the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition was created between 2016 and 2021. Covering more than 4,000 square metres, BERLIN GLOBAL is an interdisciplinary, polyphonic and critical examination of the city’s present and history.

The message of BERLIN GLOBAL:
All people are global citizens and together they shape the city and the world of tomorrow.

The exhibition was developed with the participation of various associations, artists and institutions and takes a stand on contemporary political and social debates, for example on colonialism and racism. The content has been prepared for a broad public and offers an interactive visitor experience.


  • Ali Fitzgerald (Comic author, Artist)
  • Arwed Messmer (Photographer)
  • Ben Mansour (Graffiti Artist)
  • David Mesguich (Street Art Artist)
  • DJ Jimmy X (Musician, Author, Journalist)
  • DotDotDot (Street Art Artist)
  • Hanaa El Degham (Visual Artist, Activist)
  • How and Nosm (Graffiti Artists)
  • Jermain Raffington (Presenter, Producer, Director)
  • José Alvarez (Breakdancer)
  • Kadir Amigo Memiş (Choreographer, Dancer)
  • Philip Kojo Metz (Artist, Photographer)
  • Rocco und seine Brüder (Artist collective)
  • Norbert Bisky (Painter)
  • Stammpunkt Atelier (Artist collective)
  • Tape That (Tape Art collective)
  • Tom Nixx (Musician)
  • Vincent Voignier (Photographer, Artist)
  • Zoya Mahfoud (Journalist)


  • ABSV e.V.
  • Berliner Behindertenverband e.V.
  • Behindertenbeirat Land Berlin
  • Bürgerstiftung Neukölln
  • Dokumentationszentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit Schöneweide
  • Dr. Verda Kaya (Kuratorin Partizipation)
  • Geographisches Institut und Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • House of Life e.V.
  • HörBIZ Berlin
  • Lebenshilfe Berlin e.V.
  • Magnus Hirschfeld Gesellschaft
  • Modeschule Berlin. OSZ Bekleidung und Mode
  • mog61 Miteinander ohne Grenzen e.V.
  • Pro Retina Deutschland e.V.
  • Roller e.V.
  • Sozialhelden e.V.
  • Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas
  • Yasha Young (Gastkuratorin)

Open Space partners at BERLIN GLOBAL

  • Barbara Bernardi (Artist, Filmmaker), Linda Paganelli (Visual Anthropologist, Artist, Filmmaker) und Vincent Voignier (Photographer, Artist)
  • Burcu Argat (Author) und İzim Turan (Actress, Design Artist)
  • Ewa Maria Slaska (Author), Anna Krenz (Artist) und Jemek Jemowit (Musician)
  • Lebenshilfe Berlin e.V. 
  • querstadtein e.V.
  • Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma 

Open Space partners from 2025

  • Bürgerstiftung Neukölln 
  • Flamingo e.V. 
  • Noam Gorbat (Video artist), Omar Nicolas (Artist), Sina Ahmadi (Spatial strategy)

Participative offers

Für eine Überraschung gut: die begehbare Diskokugel im Raum Vergnügen.


BERLIN GLOBAL shows on 4,000 square meters in the Humboldt Forum how the city and its people are connected to the world.

Find out more here

Protected: BERLIN GLOBAL meets Enissa Amani, Ezhel and DJ Ipek

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Gentrify this!

Berlin was long considered poor but sexy. But those times are over. Berlin has become increasingly attractive for large real estate companies and investors. Rents are exploding and affordable housing is becoming increasingly scarce. Gentrification is one of the biggest areas of conflict in current urban development policy.

Hip hop – From New York via Berlin to Istanbul

Tan Bahar aka DJ Cut’Em T. and cultural scientist Verda Kaya look back at youth culture in Berlin-Kreuzberg in the 1980s and 1990s. In particular, they look at the first bands with Turkish-language songs at the Hip hop station in BERLIN GLOBAL.

The Revolutionary Public 1848

Using the example of 33 historical posters from the “Revolution” room of the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition, curator Martin Düspohl explains the different positions, backgrounds and nuances of the public texts.

  • New York – Berlin – Istanbul: Hip hop in the changing cities

    How Hip hop found its way from the USA to Turkey and the role Berlin played in this process is shown in the room “Entertainment” at BERLIN GLOBAL with exhibits, colourful graffiti and a hip hop media station.

  • The door of the techno-club “Tresor”

    Between the rooms “Free Space” and “Boundaries” at BERLIN GLOBAL stands a very special door: the steel door of the legendary club “Tresor” at Leipziger Straße 126a. In the series “Favourite Object” we present it.

  • Funeral of Affordable Rents

    In the room “Free Space” at BERLIN GLOBAL stands the “Funeral of Affordable Rents” by the artist collective Rocco and his brothers. In 2016, the artists installed the work on a street corner in Kreuzberg to draw attention to the exploding rents. In the series “Favourite Object” we present the object restored for the exhibition.

  • Meeting in a coffee cup: Menorah. Crescent. Cross.

    In the room “Free Space” at BERLIN GLOBAL there is an area dedicated to the theme of faith. There is a cross-religious sculpture – originally intended as an alternative to the cross on the dome of the Humboldt Forum. In the series “Favourite Object” we present the sculpture.

  • The Rebirth of Osiris

    The mural “The Rebirth of Osiris” by the Egyptian artist Hanaa El Degham can be seen in the room “Revolution”. We present it in the series “Favourite Object”.

  • SORRY FOR SOMETHING? Berlin’s Colonial Heritage

    How entangled is Berlin with colonial history really? And how is this legacy dealt with today? Because the traces of German colonial history can still be found everywhere in Berlin today. In the PERSPEKTIVRAUM series, BERLIN GLOBAL invites experts and activists, critics and friends of the exhibition to share their perspectives on selected topics in order to enter into conversation and enrich current discourses and debates.

  • We are citizens of the world

    As director of the Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin, Paul Spies is in charge of the concept for the Berlin exhibition, which will be shown on the second floor of the Humboldt Forum. In this interview, the art historian, born in 1960, talks about the many interfaces that exist between Berlin and the rest of the world.

  • The rolling cartographer

    In the WELTSTUDIO, the space for participation at BERLIN GLOBAL, there is the rolling cartographer. Guests can design individual maps here. In the series “Favourite Object” we introduce the cartographer.

  • The boombox from The City Rockers

    In the room “Entertainment” at BERLIN GLOBAL is a boombox by former TCR member José Alvarez. The City Rockers (TCR) were known as a break-dance group in Berlin in the 1980s. In the series “Favourite Object” we present the ghetto blaster.

  • Sharmin’s Note

    A photo of “Sharmin’s Note” hangs in the room “War” at BERLIN GLOBAL. The object is part of an interview project on the topic of flight. We present it in the series “Favourite Object”.

  • SORRYFORNOTHING – a sculptural intervention

    Philip Kojo Metz‘s work in the Berlin Exhibition prompts a closer look at Germany’s colonial past.

  • Representation Matters – Racism in the Entertainment Industry

    What we see, but also how people are talked about, shapes our view of the world. The media can help break down stereotypes. But often they do the opposite. Does the pleasure of some mean the exclusion of others, and why are we not further along today?


    The Berlin Book about the Berlin Exhibition

  • An inspiring workshop

    Colourful hustle and bustle in the Schlüter Courtyard: This was the screen printing workshop of the Kunstwerkstatt Kreuzberg.

  • This was the evening with Gaye Su Akyol

    Open-air concert as part of the Kultursommerfestival and the new open space exhibition “30 kg”

  • Info & Service

    Opening Hours

    Mo + Wed – Sun | 10.30 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
    Tue | closed

    Last admission is at 5.30 p.m.

    Thu | 17.10. | closed from 3 pm (works meeting)


    10178 Berlin


    For ticketing and service requests, please contact the Humboldt Forum Visitor Services:
    +49 30 9921 189 89
    Mo – Fri, 10 a.m.– 6 p.m.



    7 euros / 0 euros (reduced)

    Media partner