Museumsdorf Düppel

Here you will find stories about our open-air museum.

In My View: Andreas | Museumsdorf Düppel (UT dt./ engl.)

Andreas was born in Friedrichshain and works as a train driver. In his free time, he enjoys medieval music. In the Museumsdorf Düppel in the Nikolassee district of Berlin, Andreas is involved in the Förderverein Museumsdorf Düppel e.V. Here, he and his family look after a house and its garden.

In My View: Liam | Museumsdorf Düppel (UT dt./engl.)

Liam loves to be outdoors and on the move. That's why the voluntary ecological year at the Museumsdorf Düppel was the perfect opportunity before he began his studies in biology or nature conservation. In the video, he gives an insight into his favourite field: animal care.

In My View: Miriam | Museumsdorf Düppel (UT dt./engl.)

For Miriam from Berlin, the Museumsdorf Düppel is a second home - and has been since she was two years old. The primary school pupil from Berlin-Zehlendorf has spent countless weekends at the open-air museum with her family. Above all, she enjoys the freedom this place offers. In the video, she talks about what she loves about Museumsdorf Düppel.

In My View: Brigitte | Museumsdorf Düppel (UT dt./ engl.)

The reconstructed houses in the open-air museum are looked after and brought to life by the members of the Förderverein Museumsdorf Düppel e.V.. In the video, Brigitte Jusuf presents the interior of a house and the associated garden, both of which she maintains and looks after as a member of the association.