The future museum and creative quarter at Köllnischer Park

A centre of activity and a space for community
Das Märkische Museum schließt direkt an den Köllnischen Park an.
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Foto: Fiona Hirschmann

The Märkisches Museum and the neighbouring Marinehaus will become the centre of a lively museum and creative quarter at Köllnischer Park.

The Märkisches Museum will undergo extensive renovations over the coming years. When it reopens, the museum and the neighbouring Marinehaus will form the heart of the vibrant Museums- und Kreativquartier am Köllnischen Park (Museum and Creative Quarter at Köllnischer Park). After being closed for construction work and renovated in accordance with its historic status, Köllnischer Park was reopened on October 2021.

Marinehaus to become a site for collaboration

While the renovated Märkisches Museum – whose tower will once again be accessible for the first time since the Second World War – will house a permanent exhibition on the history of Berlin and provide spaces for special exhibitions and educational events, Marinehaus will house workshops, provide work spaces for cultural workers, event rooms, presentation and communication areas, and will feature an expanded culinary offering.

Mit dem im Senegal geborenen und in Berlin lebenden Künstler Mansour Ciss Kanakassy lernten Groß und Klein beim Familientag im Märkischen Museum, aus Konservendosen, Flaschendeckeln, Tetrapacks, Blech, Holz oder Draht Spielzeug, Masken oder sogar eine Skulptur zu fertigen.
© Stadtmuseum Berlin | Foto: Michael Setzpfandt
Conceived as an architecturally flexible space for experimental, contemporary and forward-looking formats, it will also be available for artists and creatives to rent, allowing them to be directly involved in the Stadtmuseum Berlin’s cultural education and mediation. The space will also offer artist residencies.

Creative engagement with the issues of our time

The interdisciplinary museum and creative quarter will focus on socially relevant topics and collaborate with other think tanks in the city with the aim of finding creative solutions to the issues the city faces concerning development, social spaces, diversity, migration and integration.

Further Information

A project by:

Responsible body: Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion

Client: Land Berlin – Sondervermögen Immobilien des Landes Berlin (SILB), represented by BIM Berliner Immobilienmanagement – GmbH

Financed with funds from the State of Berlin, supported by the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag and by the LOTTO Foundation Berlin.