Discover the Berlin Exhibition at the Humboldt Forum

01:47 Minuten

Past, present and future: much of what happens in Berlin has an impact on the world. And much of what happens in the world affects Berlin. BERLIN GLOBAL, an exhibition on 4,000 square metres of space at the Humboldt Forum, shows how the city and its people are connected with the world.

Visitors start in a room called Thinking the World and move on to an introductory space entitled Berlin Images. Rooms with individual themes then follow: Revolution, Free Space, Boundaries, Entertainment, War, Fashion and Interconnection. These aspects also feature in other metropolises, but the constellation captures the essence of the city.

Rich in variety and full of surprises, the immersive installations and atmospheric presentations invite visitors into these realms and the underlying diversity of Berlin. We let those who know the city speak: residents, experts, artists, initiatives and associations. Their stories, experiences and perspectives energise the exhibition.

About the exhibition