The Open Spaces
The last call for Open Space applications ended on 31 August 2023. We are currently not planning a new call.
Create your own exhibition!
How have Berlin and Berliners impacted the world? How have events throughout the globe affected Berlin? And how do we want to shape the city, now and in the future? In the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition, the Stadtmuseum Berlin and many different partners seek answers to these questions. The exhibition focuses on seven central themes: Revolution, Free Space, Boundaries, Entertainment, War, Fashion and Interconnection.
We also want your views, topics and stories to be part of the exhibition!
Do you have:
… something to say about Berlin, Berliners and their connections with the world?… a topic of major relevance for life in Berlin?
… the motivation to plan and create your own exhibit?
On the Open Spaces you are invited to do just that. You bring the idea and the drive, and we support you with a budget and additional resources.
The aim is to increase visibility of perspectives on Berlin’s past and present that have not received sufficient representation in museums and exhibitions – including BERLIN GLOBAL. These might be BIPoC, queer, neurodiverse, physically diverse, or intersectional perspectives. The Open Spaces are part of the Stadtmuseum Berlin’s steps toward greater diversity and inclusion.
Current projects
How to apply
Open Space content can supplement, expand, comment on or critically question the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition. It can be inspired by a particular subject area in BERLIN GLOBAL, or its overarching theme of “Berlin and the world”. Open Spaces can also treat topics that are not covered in the rest of BERLIN GLOBAL.
Open Spaces need not be artistic in nature – we are happy to support in the presentation of your exhibit, with the help of professional designers if needed. However, your application should include a concrete idea for the Open Space presentation.
Click here to see floor plans and photos
We are especially interested in project partners whose perspectives have thus far been underrepresented in museums or exhibitions, such as BIPoC, queer, neurodiverse or physically diverse persons.
Whatever topic you present: It’s important that the project doesn’t simply talk about people, but rather that people with the relevant experience are part of your team.
Every 12–18 months, we invite the public to submit ideas for exhibitions in two of BERLIN GLOBAL’s three Open Spaces.
As soon as the application period opens, you can apply directly using the online form. You can submit your project idea in writing, or in the form of photos, videos, sketches or audio files. You can also use combinations thereof. Further instructions are found on the application page. If you’d like assistance with the application form, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Jury decision
The jury members are representatives of Berlin’s civil society. When the application period ends, they meet to discuss the submissions and select the projects for the Open Spaces.
– The applicants are a group of individuals, and/or representatives of an organisation, initiative or association. At least three people are primarily responsible for the project. The Open Space is not a solo exhibition.
– The project highlights perspectives that have been insufficiently represented in museums or exhibitions. Examples include BIPoC, queer, neurodiverse, physically diverse and intersectional perspectives.
– The project is highly relevant for Berlin today.
– The project’s topic or question engages with BERLIN GLOBAL, perhaps as a supplement or expansion, or also as a contrast or critique.
– The application presents a concrete idea for an exhibit on one of the Open Spaces, including initial thoughts about the form it will take.
– The project will be developed solely for an Open Space and has not appeared anywhere else.
– The project does not centre on the applicants’ self-promotion.
– The project does not pursue any commercial goals.
– The project does not pursue any party-related political goals.
– The project respects human dignity. It contains no insults, obscenities, personal attacks, content that glorifies violence or is racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic, homophobic, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory or defamatory. None of the participants promote content of this type in any other context.
The jury will not judge the professionalism of the applications.
The jury will ensure a diversity in its selection – with respect to both the other project in the application period and to past and currently planned Open Spaces.
With all other criteria in mind, preferential consideration will be given to at least one project whose team includes BIPoC members.
If the jury selects your idea, we’ll meet with you about three times to plan the next steps. Together we’ll put your idea into concrete terms, work out a budget, set up a timeline and formulate a contract.
That means:
– We clarify your and our roles in the project.
– We decide whether we want to work with an external design and/or media company.
– We jointly assess whether your project idea can be done within the budget and framework conditions of an Open Space.
If it is not possible to find a common workable basis, either party can terminate the process.
Everything we decide together will be specified in a joint contract.
Joint project development and creation
– Each project is developed and created jointly over a period of 12 months (“project phase”). The Open Space exhibit periods are staggered, which means several months might pass between signing the contract and starting the project phase (see the Timeline section in the FAQs).
– You are the curators of your Open Space: You will further develop your idea, research the content and decide what will be shown and in what form. The only limits are laid out in our “Ground rules” for working together.
– We will support you with our experience from different areas of the Stadtmuseum. We’ll provide feedback on your content, coordinate collaboration with external companies and be responsible for administering the budget.
– At the end of the project phase, we’ll unveil your exhibition and celebrate with you and the public!
– Your exhibit will run for about one and a half years in the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition, with related educational and event programming.
– We will showcase your Open Space on our website and advertise it on various social and print media.
When your exhibition closes, we would welcome the opportunity to continue working with you as project partners – if this is amenable to both sides.
It’s important that the Open Spaces – just like the BERLIN GLOBAL exhibition – speak to a very broad public. To facilitate this, we’ve developed inclusive and construction-related guidelines .
The “Ground rules” describe our communication with each other and the limits of what can be said. They apply both to us and to you. Additional points can be included in the contract.
The Humboldt Forum has house rules for visitors to the entire site, including BERLIN GLOBAL.
Throughout the project, both sides have the option to call on an external mediator in case of conflict.
The jury will meet in October 2023.
Open Space A (Interconnection room)
Concretisation of the project idea: November 2023 to January 2024
Development/creation: February 2024 to February 2025
Opening: February 2025
Exhibition including auxiliary programme: February 2025 to October 2026
Open Space B (Berlin Images room)
Concretisation of the project idea: January to February 2024
Development/creation: October 2024 to October 2025
Opening: October 2025
Exhibition including auxiliary programme: October 2025 to March 2027
Your application doesn’t need to include a budget plan. The jury is interested solely in the project idea. If your project is chosen, we’ll work out the budget together in the concretisation phase. The budget has to cover all the costs of the Open Space presentation. These include but are not limited to:
Exhibition design, media production, materials, technical equipment if relevant, fees, contracts for work and services, volunteer expenses, film and photo licensing fees, object costs (borrowing fees, transportation, insurance), copy editing, translation, lighting.
Costs for the event and education programme and for external communications are budgeted separately. The Stadtmuseum Berlin is responsible for administering the budget.
Participation and Open Spaces, BERLIN GLOBAL
Curatorial team
+49 30 24002 175